Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
September 21, 2014
For Hingham residents, the completion of the turf field and accompanying field house has involved a lot of waiting. While the field itself was functional last year, the field house just opened this past weekend at the Homecoming game. The field house includes a concession stand.
Without the support of donors, the fields project could not have been completed, and prior to the start of the football game on Saturday, the dedication of Hingham residents to the fields project was honored and the future prospects for the field were recognized during a special ceremony.
The team captains from Hingham High School were joined by athletes from Hingham’s youth sports programs, around the ages of 9 and 10, and stood on the field holding the ribbon during the official opening of the fields. Members of various Hingham High sports teams lined the field.
Present for the ceremony was Superintendent of Schools Dorothy Galo and Hingham High School Athletic Director Margaret Conaty. Both gave speeches discussing the long process of gaining funding for the field, the completion of the field, and most importantly the field’s significance in supporting sports for athletes of all ages.