Graduation 2021!
The Class of 2021 throws their caps in the air in celebration at the end of the ceremony.
June 7, 2021
After a tumultuous four years at Hingham High School, the Class of 2021 graduated on Saturday, June 5th. The ceremony, which began at 5:00 p.m., was held on the turf outside the school, and hundreds of parents, siblings, and other family members sat on the bleachers to watch the 309 graduates receive their diplomas.
The event began with words from Mr. Swanson, HHS’s principal, who commended the graduates on their adaptability in the face of adversity, and opening remarks from School Committee Chair Kerry Ni. Class Salutatorian Emma Beyer spoke next, relating the most important lessons she learned from her time in nature to her classmates. After Emma, Valedictorian Catie Manning gave a speech which emphasized the overwhelming sense of unity and camaraderie she experienced during her time at Hingham High School.
“Being from Hingham, and graduating from Hingham High School, means something else, something more,” said Catie in her speech. “If you walk into any classroom… you will feel a palpable sense of unity.”
Speaking to the Harborlight, Catie remarked that, “It was so incredible to see everyone together finally! The Class of 2021 is so grateful to everyone who worked so hard to make this event happen for us. It has been such a special few weeks of celebration and an in-person graduation was such an encouraging event as we move forward bouncing back from the pandemic.”
Class-elected student-speaker Pria Parker followed Catie and urged her classmates to use their voices to make the world a better place, whether by speaking kindly to others, voting, or even running for office.
“Graduation was great thanks to all of the amazing people who helped put it together!” said Pria to the Harborlight. “After a year of wondering if it would even happen, having an in-person graduation was such a privilege, as was being the student speaker. It was an honor to get to address my class and all of the guests. It was so special to hear from people at graduation how much my speech meant to them– that’s more than I could ever ask for.”
Class president Cameron Frank gave the last speech of the evening, providing her classmates with a touching and humorous chance to reminisce on old memories, such as the ill-fated whale watching trip the Class of 2021 took in middle school. Frank also offered some encouragement to her classmates, saying, “When it feels impossible to ignore all of the negatives in front of you, rather than letting them bog you down, let them inspire you. Let them motivate you to lift yourself up and those around you.”
After Cameron’s concluding remarks, all 309 graduates were called individually to receive their diplomas. To watch a recording of the 2021 Graduation Ceremony, click here. For more pictures, Maryellen Jones kindly took pictures for HHS. Her gallery is HERE.
Congratulations to all Class of 2021 graduates, and best of luck in college and beyond!