Sports Recap 11/29-12/3: How HHS Teams Are Doing and What to Look Forward To
The team huddles up during a time out in the second quarter.
December 11, 2021
Last week marked the first official week of winter sports as the football team closed out the HHS fall season on Thanksgiving the week before. As winter sports get into gear most teams are finishing tryouts and starting to practice for games.
Boys Basketball: Basketball tryouts have finished and the teams were decided. No official roster is out yet because each player that tried out was emailed individually to let them know whether they made it or not. The team’s first official game will be an away game against Brockton on Friday 12/10. Some key players to look out for this season will be Liam McBride, Nick Johannes, and Nick DuBois.
Girls Basketball: The girls team has finished up with their tryouts and they are prepping for their first game this week. The team will be led by senior Perry Blasetti and junior Colette Hanney.
Boys Hockey: The boys hockey team ran tryouts all week with some happening at 5 am before and some after school as well. The final part of tryouts known as the red-white game happened on Thursday night and players were told after the game whether they had made varsity or not. The captains are Drew Carlton, Bobby Falvey, and Sean Garrity. A few star players to look out for this season are sophomore Travis Rugg, junior Chase McKenna, and junior Aidan Brazel.
Girls Hockey: Girls varsity hockey had their first practice at 5 am on Friday and they had a jamboree with Natick and Braintree on Saturday where they did short scrimmages with the other teams to get in some practice against another team. Ryan McGuire and Lily Steiner are the captains and they will be leading the team into the first official game on the 15th.
Boys Winter Track: The boys winter track season has started and they will go off to the Reggie Lewis Center on Thursday for their first meet. The captains of the team are seniors Avery Warshaw, Matt Hall, and Thomas Shetzline.
Girls Winter Track: The team’s captains are Maureen Koenen, Deirdre O’Donnell, Camille Boer, and Francesca Candelieri. The girls will also head off to Reggie Lewis on Thursday for their first meet of the season. Some top runners to look out for are Margaret Lowther, Clare Lowther, and Kelsey Tarby.
Ski Team: Ski Team had practices throughout the week even though there is no snow at blue hills yet. The team will do workouts outside until the slopes are ready for racing on. The time trials to decide varsity and JV will be at Ragged Mountain in New Hampshire on the 18th. The captains of the team are Sammy Chapin, Carly Sullivan, Teddy Vonderluft, and Zach Federman.
Swim Team: After the first day of practice the team was split into two groups that will practice on different days at the Connell Pool in Weymouth. The captains of the team are Ava Burnham, Liv Cataldo, and Jake Bednarski. Some other names to look out for this season are Clara Bodnar, Lina Matera, and Julia Rocket.
Wrestling: As everyone knows, wrestling makes no cuts, so practices started right off this week. The captains of the team are Jasper Henley, Kyle Gidman, and Quinn Fleming. Some other strong wrestlers are Jack Kelleher and Sam Oppedisano.
Gymnastics: The gymnastics team will be led this season by Ellie Boles and Lilly Hagerty. The team is made up of 12 people and they practice at the Massachusetts Gymnastics Center. Their first meet will be on the 19th.
Dance Team: The captains for the dance team this year are Lea Theopolis, CC Boutin, and Ella Ross. They had tryouts last week and the team was decided shortly after. The team’s competitions don’t happen until March but they will be practicing and performing up until then.