Band and Orchestra go to Nashville
Honky-Tonk row at around noon, still bustling by not quite as vibrant as at night.
March 24, 2022
Band and Orchestra go to Nashville
The high school band and orchestra classes went on their yearly trip this past weekend; this time going to Nashville, for the second time. The music trip had not happened since COVID-10 hit, with LA being the last trip they went on.
Kids from all grades and different instruments packed the buses and shipped off St. Patrick’s day, Thursday, during school and returned late Sunday night. Highlights of the trip include watching two shows at the vibrant Grand Ole Opry, visiting historic Ryman auditorium, watching the Nashville Symphony Orchestra, touring the Cumberland Caverns, RCA studio B, the Johnny Cash Museum, and exploring Honky-Tonk row.
On the flight back, I asked others what their favorite part of the trip was. For senior Hayden Souza, he “thought we should have gone to the Grand Ole Opry one more time, but my favorite part was walking around Honkey Tonk row.” Honky Tonk row is a vibrant couple of streets filled with live music and western shops. .
Senior Nick O’Connor “Loved Mr. Cincotta’s outfits throughout the trip. I also enjoyed trying all of the different foods. My favorite part overall was all of the live music.” A tired Cam Santarelli’s favorite part was “getting off the plane at 11:30 pm. Also that time I walked into a giftshop to charge my phone and the rocking chair broke.”
Junior Lana Lucas enjoyed “Honky Tonk row and all of the interesting people on it.” Freshman Conor Anderson “Buying his cowboy hat” which was teal blue with green pink and yellow floral patterns. Finally, for freshman Tony Cissoroni it was “seeing the bats in the cave at Cumberland Caverns.”
Personally, one of my favorite parts was playing pool with a security guard I met named Dennis, who although barely beat me, was still some good competition on the trip.