Spring on the South Shore
A green clearing in Hingham’s Wompatuck State Park.
April 2, 2023
After a long winter, it’s finally starting to feel like spring again in Hingham. After the past winter — disappointing to many — without any real snow, the spring equinox is now weeks past, and the season has begun with a series of rainstorms and cloudy days. Despite some gloominess, the change in weather brings Hingham into bloom, with local parks attracting more visitors than ever. Both Wompatuck Park and Triphammer Pond have returned to their green selves, bringing wildlife, dormant and migratory, back to Hingham. Joe Andrews, a sophomore at Hingham High, commented that, “The winter really dragged on this year, and even though the weather hasn’t gotten great yet, it’s starting to feel closer to summer.” Although by this time last year, Hingham was experiencing 60-degree weather on a near daily basis, it seems our current weather will soon catch up to that as the upcoming weeks show signs of high 50s to 60s and more rain.
Beyond the weather, the spring season has brought welcome changes to the day-to-day lives of HHS students. With term 3 quickly ending, and April break on the horizon, the school year feels like it’s rapidly drawing to a close. While not quick enough for many students, the beginning of spring sports and other extracurriculars has brought newfound momentum to the lives of many students. Parker Bradley, a sophomore at HHS, found that, “It kind of feels like the whole school’s been rejuvenated by the arrival of spring. Even with MCAS and finals soon, everyone’s still pushing forward.”
At Hingham High, the Unity Project is hosting its “42 Games of Catch” event, which has now become a spring tradition. Honoring Jackie Robinson, the event will take place after school on April 5th, with gloves available for all students.
On the note of baseball, the Boston Red Sox are beginning their 2023 season after a 14-14-4 spring training. Although the team had a relatively unproductive offseason, young stars, including Red Sox No. 2 prospect, first baseman Triston Casas, have proved their talent on the field, and are looking forward to making an impact this season.