Has the fastest-growing sport in America made its way onto the courts of Hingham? Oftentimes, near downtown Hingham at the recreation center, the signature pop of the pickleball can be heard throughout the surrounding neighborhoods.
Pickleball is a straightforward sport to learn and master. Combined with its being the perfect pickup sport, pickleball has become extremely popular in Hingham. On nice days, courts all over town are usually packed with pickleball players of all ages. The sport caters to the older generations, not needing much athleticism to participate; however, it can become a very fast-paced game that attracts many members from the younger generation.
Many students at Hingham High have begun to pick up the sport, and sophomore Jeremy Lavoie has started an unofficial pickleball league with his friends at the park. Jeremy has taken advantage of the groundhog’s early spring prediction and has cultivated a league that will be fun and engaging with his friends. When asked about the league, Jeremy replied, “It should be a lot of fun for me and my friends. We are all pretty competitive, so it gives the games more meaning and an opportunity to work with your teammate”.
The HPA (Hingham Pickleball Association) has a doubles format with teams of two that allows for a different, more fun style of play. A major misconception about pickleball is that the sport is expensive, however, Jeremy explained that he and his friends were able to get a great deal on pickleball gear securing paddles for just five dollars!
However, it is not just Jeremy who plays pickleball, Sophomore Ben Brazis also enjoys competing with his friends at the park. When asked about it Ben said, “Pickleball is my new favorite thing to do with my friends, it has a very short learning curve so I was hooked immediately” Ben also explained that any time he and his friends find themselves with some free time, and nice weather they are eager to take a trip to the park and play pickleball. Pickleball is truly a sport that caters to everyone and is quickly becoming the hottest new activity in Hingham.