High school is an extremely busy time, especially for freshmen who are managing a full schedule of school, sports and clubs. On top of that, freshmen are now required to fufill 10 hours of community service by March. Even though it is stressful, this change could be incredibly beneficial for the students, the school, and the community as a whole.
What is the new Requirement?
This year’s freshmen is the first class that will have to abide by this new rule for graduation. Each year of high school, they will need to complete 10 hours of community service before the spring. In total, this will lead to 40 hours before graduation. It might seem easy, but these hours can be a daunting task to a Freshman that is still adjusting to their new schedule. The primary goal of the project is to serve the town, but this plan specifically focuses on spreading the hours out over the four years. Community service is more than just a resume builder. The goal is to make Hingham a better place while teaching students the value of hard work and the impact of people coming together.
How do I fulfill this Requirement?
Many students are not only willing, but eager to complete their service hours. The only problem is that many don’t know where to start. Students have access to a helpful list of local opportunities on the Hingham High School website. The administration has committed to update this page when new options arise. Some of the many projects include the Hingham Fourth of July Parade, Snow Shoveling for Seniors, the Coats for Kids and Families Coat Drive, and many more incredible ideas. Countless students have also already completed some of the hours. Student Abby Zimmerman explains, “This summer I worked at the Rec Center and already completed all of my hours.” Similarly, freshman Kristi Fickes said she completed her hours by, “working at ‘The Not So Spooky Haunted House’ at my church. It was really fun and I think it helped me grow as a person.” As long as students are being proactive, it is easy to find a part of the Hingham community to help.

(Casey Teahan)
Why is community service so important?
When we think of the word community, we think of people living in the same place, with common traits, that work together to form a society. With our busy schedules and stressful lives, it is easy to get caught up in the moment and forget what is important. The goal of community service is to lead high school students back to a lesson we have been learning since kindergarten, if we all work together we can achieve incredible things. It is extremely important to grow up understanding the significance of serving others. As we grow older we will have even busier lives with jobs and families. If the importance of community is instilled in high school students, they will grow up to be people that give back to those around them.