When and Where?
The Hingham High School Band and Orchestra will be performing a joint concert on Tuesday, December 10 at 7:00 p.m. at the HHS auditorium. All community members are welcome and encouraged to come show support.
Combined Concert:
In years past, these two ensembles have had separate concerts around the holiday season. This year, however, they have decided to combine it into one grand performance. One of the many reasons for this decision was to showcase all the hard work and talent to the community. The two groups will start by playing several pieces on their own. Ultimately, they will come together for a grand finale where they will perform Christmas Eve made famous by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Along with helping boost holiday spirit, this piece will be a great representation of how powerful the HHS music community can be. When asked about the concert, orchestra member Lexie Grimm said she is most excited for, “having the entire band and orchestra perform together. It is going to be amazing.” The union of the two concerts will hopefully lead to one of the best performances the Hingham community has ever seen.
Why should you come and show your support?
The music program has had a presence throughout the Hingham community this year through the Hingham Pep Band at football games, performances around town, veteran’s celebrations, and so much more. The concert is a wonderful way for the community to have another chance to view their amazing work. This holiday concert will be an entertaining event that you will not want to miss. Come enjoy the student’s talent while celebrating what they have done. Band member Paige Hutchison shares her thoughts about showing support by saying, “So much more work goes into band than people know, and it deserves more recognition than it gets. This year especially, Mr. Cincotta [the HHS band teacher] has truly done an excellent job getting us [the band] out there and it has been amazing to finally have people see what we can accomplish as a team.” The work of the music students at HHS is so unique to this town. The concert will be a fantastic opportunity for the program to highlight their passion for music and hard work so far this school year.