As the long weekend passed, students at Hingham High School looked toward the week full of preparation and testing as the first semester ended with the Mid Year Exams last Wednesday and Thursday.
This past Wednesday was the history and math day, leaving Thursday for English and science courses. Friday was the make-up day, meaning if a student missed any of the past days they could complete them on Friday. Additionally, many of the extracurricular courses such as an extra math or science course took place on this day. However, for most students who do not take extracurricular classes, Friday provided a much-needed break. Also, for those enrolled in a world language at HHS, the language mid-years took place the week before MLK weekend as many of them take multiple days to complete since they test students on reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
These exams were particularly significant as they marked the first cycle of exams that will be weighted only 5 percent of the student’s final grade, as opposed to their past weight of 10 percent of the final grade. This is a development that many student representatives to the school board fought for last year. Junior, Arianna Sood, who is currently in AP US History explained how she thought the exams, “Went pretty well, however for AP classes I’ve heard that it’s still going to be 10% since there’s no final so that is still a little scary” She continues stating that her overall impression is that, “The midyear time is pretty stressful, but then once you’re on the test, as long as you studied, things will come back to you and you end up being fine.”
Additionally, for my fellow seniors and I, these mid-year exams mark the possible final exams taken at Hingham High School due to the rule that if seniors maintain a B average throughout the year, then they are exempt from the final exam. This not only serves as a relief as the mid-year exams are behind us but also as motivation to continue our efforts in the coming terms. Catherine Salem, a senior, states that she feels, “Super excited about how [she] did on my midyears and [is] ecstatic [she] won’t have to do it again.” Whatever the sentiments may be of last week’s examinations, the communal anticipation for the next semester and the ever-approaching summer break is one of excitement.