Within the start of President Trump’s second term a multitude of budget cuts have taken place. These cuts contain letting go of mass amounts of federal workers who work within America. In total 30,000 federal workers have already been laid off and 75,000 federal workers have signed a contract to leave their jobs by September. Each one of these workers are American citizens who worked hard for their job and many of them loved their place of work. The most difficult part is the impact the loss of federal jobs will have on the country.
Around America thousands of workers have had their jobs stripped from them and the repercussions are already starting to take place. Not only are the people who had these jobs devastated but their families will now need a new source of income. Families will need to change their lifestyles, move, and rearrange the world they have constructed around them. The workers’ personal lives are being affected and their places of work struggle without their help. In fact, many places are already struggling to remain in decent shape and some even battle against protesters advocating for federal workers.
Paige Moore, a first-year student attending Hingham High School had a member of her family work as a federal worker, “My Grandpa was a forest ranger in the Adirondacks and during his time he helped create many new regulations changing trails in the Adirondacks for the better. Now that many other feudal workers, including forest rangers like himself, are being fired, that will influence the trail’s maintenance and the safety of fellow hikers.” Park rangers are one group of federal workers that have recently been cut, and national parks face backlash from protesters who do not believe in the widespread job layoffs. The trails in the parks will now not be safe for citizens to walk through because they are ungroomed. This means these parks may have to shut down since they cannot keep up with the wildlife growing around them.
This is bad news for national parks like Yosemite because they are great tourist attractions and one of the vocal points in America. In years past Yosemite has made millions of dollars off visitors but without proper care of park rangers’ tourists may stray away and visit other parks. This would impact the economy of Yosemite and make it more challenging for the park to remain open without help. Certain animals are also protected in Yosemite, like the Pacific Fisher. Pacific Fishers are an endangered species, and the park rangers make sure these animals are not hunted by visitors. Without the forest rangers this species could be extinct in future years. In the extreme case it would be devastating for the United States to not have a beautiful park like Yosemite as a safe, cared for area for people around the world to visit and experience.
All types of federal workers play a key role in protecting the foundation of America. Another freshman in Hingham High School, Neve Brown, also has a take on what federal workers do for America, “There are many ways federal workers affect your lives without you even noticing, but once they’re gone and no longer in those roles your lives will change as well.” Many Americans do not realize that without federal workers so much in America would not get done. For instance, a group of federal workers who have recently been cut are a sum of post-office workers. Mail will come in slower now meaning important letters or papers may not come in on time. Of course, people within communities will be upset and blame their post office, but they do not have enough workers to move at the same pace they did before.
So many types of federal workers have been cut, like staff of the Department of Veterans Affairs. These workers help the veterans in America receive proper help, education, and financial benefits. Without these staff members who would care for veterans who needed assistance? So many other types of people have lost several types of federal jobs, and the basis of American society relies on federal workers for the great work that they do. Since so many federal jobs are lost Americans will see changes in the environment that surrounds them, and not just in hiking trails, but daily lives will also be altered.