Bernie Sanders Announces Presidential Bid

May 8, 2015
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders declared his 2016 presidential campaign last Friday; his entrance should add some lively debate on key issues to the race for the Democratic nomination. So far, Sanders is facing off against Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State under President Obama, who is heavily favored by the Democratic Party for the nomination. While Sanders is an Independent, he made it clear that if he does not win the Democratic primary he will not attempt to run as an Independent. Sanders represents a more liberal candidate, running to the left of Clinton. He has promised to fight income inequality and ensure healthcare and free higher education for all Americans. Whether this message will resonate with American voters remains unclear, but his campaign will at least represent an opportunity for the public to hear more about Clinton’s plan for our country. Many have been quick to dismiss Sanders as far too liberal for the current state of our country. Sanders ‘admitted’ that he would like to see America become more like Scandinavia in some ways. He stressed that the Scandinavian system of regulating pollution and providing free health care and public university tuition is markedly better than the current system we have in America. Sanders does not see socialism as a dirty word, and even self-identifies as a democratic socialist.
Furthermore, Sanders has declined the support of any wealthy donors. This move at a time when politics and money go hand in hand is risky, but seems to be paying off in an impressive way. As of Thursday the 7th, Sanders had raised a total of more than three million dollars. The sheer sum is not the most impressive part however. His campaign has stressed that almost 100% of the donations have been less than $250, with the average donation notching only $43. Sanders has claimed that he wants to keep billionaires out of politics, and the people have stepped up to the challenge. This unusual, if not unheard of, practice demonstrates how his grassroots message is resonating with a sizeable chunk of Americans. All in all, Sanders promises to liven the debate, expand the scope of the issues, and challenge Hillary Clinton’s political machine.