First Student Council Assembly of 2015-2016
Students prepare for last week’s Student Assembly
October 25, 2015
Hingham High School’s Student Council hosted a fall assembly this past Thursday, addressing many upcoming events at HHS. Brian McGinn, a senior, started the presentation off with a spooky introduction filled with many groan-inducing puns. He brought some immediate fun when he asked the audience to look under their seats for a paper ghost taped to the bottom; the lucky winner won a gift certificate to Nona’s!
The presenters then proceeded to show an excerpt of a TED Talk by an Oregon District Attorney, Joe Smith, which explained a more efficient way to save paper towels after hand washing. He told the audience that after washing their hands, they should shake off any excess water, use one paper towel, fold it, and then proceed to dry thoroughly. With great enthusiasm, he asked the audience to start yelling “SHAKE!” and “FOLD”, and the student body complied as if he were actually on stage!
Once the roar died down, the Volleyball, Soccer, and Field Hockey captains, along with the Drama Club Presidents took part in a challenge in which they had to “mummify” each other. Ironically; however, they did this by wrapping each other in numerous rolls of toilet paper, which seemed a little wasteful in contrast to the video that had just been shown. Nonetheless, Drama Club Presidents Josh Crosby and Evan Ayer won the contest in both assemblies
Some announcements were made on the behalf of many sports captains, including the girl’s volleyball captains, Gabby Parker and Colleen Holden. They announced a fundraiser that will be held Monday night at Chipotle. If you order in support of the HHS Girls Volleyball, a portion of the proceeds will go to the team.
After a teacher guessing game, Brian presented an event fundraised by Girls Learning International. At Homecoming, GLI earned almost $500, much of that earned from the purchase of raffle tickets. Whosever ticket was chosen, would get to throw a pie in Mr. Raymond’s face during this assembly. The lucky winners were Lily Fernald and Brad Patterson, and they both had the chance to pie Mr. Raymond in each assembly.
The first Stuco assembly of the year was a great success and hopefully the next will be as well!