A Shout In The Dark
Disrespect Towards HHS Drama Club Reveal Underlying Issues Within School Culture
Full Cast of Shuddersome Perfoming
March 13, 2016
February 26th: the Friday before the Hingham High School Drama Club participated in the first round of Festival, a state-wide event hosted by the Massachusetts Educational Theater Guild (METG). On this day, in preparation for the intense competition, which the Drama Club had vigorously been preparing for months in advance, a school-wide performance was put on through two assemblies. This would give the club a chance to showcase their hard work to the school community, and gauge reactions from a live audience.
The show, which Ms. Levy-Sisk, the adviser of Drama Club and director of the show, had chosen was a selection of scenes from “The Shuddersome Tales of Poe,” an adaption of several of Edgar Allen Poe’s well-known works including The Tell-Tale Heart and The Raven. Actors memorized sizeable pieces of tongue-twisting and dramatic dialogue, and worked together as an ensemble in synchronized movements. Costumes and makeup crews worked to create elaborate costumes in the style of “steampunk,” and those involved with set design worked hard to perfect the eerie and stirring set. The backstage crew worked so that the show would go on without a hitch, while sound and lighting crew committed to creating an atmosphere on set that would complement the show’s content. A number of teachers, including fine arts teacher Mr. Doherty, and industrial technology teacher Mr. Faherty, also gave time to the project. Overall, this show was a collaborative effort, and possible due to the extreme hard work and determination of numerous individuals.
While the first assembly was unproblematic, a small portion of those who attended the second exhibited highly inappropriate and offensive behavior. Obnoxious shouts echoed from students across the auditorium when the house lights were turned off. Throughout the show, demeaning, crude, and sexual comments were shouted at the performing students ridiculing their clothing and interests.
Freshman Edan Larkin, who was seated directly in front of the group shouting obscenities, described the language as, “sexual, derogatory,” and “homophobic.” Edan also noted that the obscenities were targeted, for the most part, at one actress. Laughs were also audible over the course of the performance. Edan said that few teachers and administrators attempted to stop the troublemakers. Although only a minority of the students at the assembly acted this way, it was very damaging and reflective of possible larger trends at our school.
In an interview with The Harborlight, Assistant Principal Mrs. Henriksen addressed these trends. After the Dance Team incident this fall, she described a “greater understanding among the school community of a cultural problem.” She believes that people are not necessarily targeting dance or drama: incidents such as these stem from a greater prejudice. She also offered an explanation to the lack of immediate teacher intervention during the assembly, saying “voices [were] projected towards the stage in the assembly, and teachers and faculty could not hear.” The administration, due to this, did not comprehend the magnitude of the comments until Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Henriksen described the faculty’s reaction as “shocked and appalled.” She continued to explain in detail what has been done since to solve the problem. Principal Dr. Girouard-McCann had an hour and a half discussion with the Drama Club to assess the situation. Additionally, an “emergency faculty meeting” was called where teachers deliberated over what this meant in terms of our school climate.
The gendered and sexually charged comments reflect a misogynistic attitude that is, unfortunately, prevalent throughout our society. Senior Lulu Wiley touched on this issue in her song “Netflix and Chill Culture,” which she wrote in response to the actions of those at the second assembly. Although this incident clearly mirrors the issue with the Dance Team during the fall, when students yelled disparaging and suggestive comments at female dancers, some seem to think there isn’t necessarily an underlying issue with sexism exemplified by these occurrences. This is a bizarre claim since, in both instances, the comments were undeniably sexist and misogynist.
Junior Matt Rice, a cast member of “Shuddersome,” argues that this event and the incident with the Dance Team reflect the hypermasculinity in today’s culture. “Based on what happened to the Drama Club, when you take into consideration the Dance Team and other small, isolated incidents, I think you’re able to see the big picture: the very big masculine, sexist society that we live in.” Our school is a product of a society that still teaches boys that it’s good to assert themselves over girls; it’s ‘manly’. Those lessons are reflected in these incidents, both in which male students harassed female students-these incidents of sexism.
This incident has also brought up conversation about Hingham High School’s treatment of the arts program in relation to the sports program. It seems to many at our school that sports are prioritized over the arts. Some pointed to the quicker reaction to, and more severe crackdown, on the direct perpetrators of the Dance Team incident, as proof.
Others mentioned that members of more traditional and male-dominated sports teams like hockey, lacrosse, or basketball among others, are typically given more respect than those involved in the arts. They would never be subject to the treatment that the Drama Club faced. For the Drama Club, Festival is their playoff game, and they deserve the same support and respect that is provided to Hingham High’s sports teams.
Ms. Levy-Sisk kindly agreed to an interview with The Harborlight. We asked her if she believes the incident during the second assembly was an isolated incident, or if she thought it was a product of our school’s culture. “Sadly, I definitely think it points to a bigger problem,” she replied. When asked if the school focuses too much on sports and not enough on drama or other arts communities, and if that is a part of the problem, she answered, “I do think it’s part of the problem, but I’d hate it to be looked at as an ‘us versus them’ kind of thing. I think it’s a lack of respect to whoever the ‘we’ is.” She makes a great point, when blame is put on one group as opposed to another, sometimes the underlying issue is forgotten. Respect is being thrown out the window, and that is the matter at hand.
Others also cited an “old boy” culture prevalent among many Hinghamites in which status and money are associated with relevance as a catalyst of this event. Due to their wealth and town roots, some Hingham residents may think themselves better than others, an attitude which extends to their children. A belief in this cultural attitude could breed a lack of respect and arrogance, leading to events such as the one that occurred at the second assembly on February 26th.
However, action has been taken by the administration to resolve the issue stemming from this incident and remedy their previous lack of response. “Behavior unaddressed becomes the norm,” Mrs. Henriksen said, expressing a concern that one class after another could pick up this behavior until, “that’s the way Hingham High is.”
One measure has been taken already: the class-by-class assigned seating at last week’s Stu-Co assembly. The goal of this, said Mrs. Henriksen, was “to split up the mob mentality, and keep teachers closer to the students they know are likely to cause trouble.” Additionally, students and teachers are working together on organizing a task force to initiate overall culture change, and a group of concerned parents has already met to discuss school climate change.
People are wondering, however, if these actions taken are enough. The Harborlight asked Ms. Levy-Sisk, the Drama director and adviser, if the practice of assigned seating at future assemblies was enough and if there should be more of a focus on the perpetrators themselves or the school as a whole. “Enough? No. But nobody thinks it’s enough; it’s a start,” she replied. “That’s all that is. It’s not meant to be a fix.”
It is, hopefully, a start. A recent Student Council assembly passed without incident. However, this could be because there is more attention and respect given towards this group, when compared with other school clubs. When asked the same question, sophomore Megan Prescott, the actress who received much of the catcalls and harassment, said, “Sadly not, I don’t think there is enough being done. I understand that it’s a difficult situation to fix, but just having meetings about it isn’t going to change how the student population treat their peers. This isn’t just how those boys treated me, the dance team also experienced this kind of disrespect.” Megan reinforces Ms. Sisk’s remark that it’s a larger issue. It’s a matter of respect, and a sign that we need to completely change our attitudes, not just switch around our seats.
So what do we do then? How does our school move on from this? How can we as a school change our attitudes-our entire culture even? We have to acknowledge that what happened was wrong. “There’s an awful lot of people who don’t think that anything that was said was wrong,” Ms. Sisk reflects. “We have a problem if people don’t think it was a problem.”
The Harborlight agrees that our school community must address that there is an issue at Hingham High; we can’t accept the idea of anyone yelling ‘cunt’ and ‘fag’ to other students as just an example of “boys being boys.” It is a symptom of a bigger problem. We also must help people understand that, if they find these words offensive in print, they must realize how upsetting it was to have the worlds hurled at you during a performance, in front of your peers. This itself should incite people to action. “We have to decide, as a community, if we are going to continue to let this happen,” says Matt Rice.
Once the school can agree that something wrong happened February 26th, then we can move on. Hopefully, we can work towards a future of more mutual respect and equal appreciation for every community at this school. As Megan Prescott effectively states, “Mending this relationship between students will take time, but it is possible if people are willing.”
Gabrielle Martin • May 16, 2016 at 8:30 am
A lot of comments on other articles written about this event have been so negative, but it is good to see all the positive support and outreach on this thread. As someone who was involved with the production and onstage to hear the comments, I know that I – as well as the rest of the cast and crew – appreciate this article, and how well is addresses what happened.
Rebecca Cappers Pollack • Mar 31, 2016 at 9:21 pm
School administration needs to hold teachers accountable and the teachers need to hold kids accountable for their actions. If teachers don’t know who did it, then they are not paying attention and are part of the problem too. Clear guidelines should be put in place so students know what is expected and what the consequences will be for any student who disrupts any school function in a derogatory way. To all the performers, hold your heads high. Hingham High School drama has always been a phenomenal program thanks to its leadership and to the great kids who have been a part of it year after year. I still remember those years as the best (1989-1991) and have enjoyed many years of college and community theatre since then. Can’t wait to hear an update on how you do at the festival. Break a leg!
Grace Davenport Quam • Mar 31, 2016 at 1:41 pm
I graduated from Hingham High in 1992. I was in the drama club and loved and learned so much from it. The harassment was bad, and I am sorry to hear that it is continuing still. On the other hand, reading this article gives me the message that you all have totally got this.
Jan O'Hara • Mar 31, 2016 at 11:33 am
As I continue to think about this, I remain deeply disturbed by it. Since there were students in front of the perpetrators as well as behind them and next to them, I think an attempt could be made to identify the culprits and hold them accountable. Also, if it had been me on the stage, I would have IMMEDIATELY halted the performance and called the culprits to task, and I would not have allowed the performance to continue. There is a “culture” among performers and public speakers that the show must go on and that you ignore and persist despite hecklers. Youngsters are not adults; they must be counseled to react differently. Also, it appears that this type of appalling heckling occurred during an earlier dance performance at a school assembly. Since faculty knew that this kind of thing happened before, I am greatly surprised that they were not prepared to monitor student behavior during this drama club assembly. The article said the faculty could not hear because they were behind the shouts. What is wrong with a teacher sitting with his or her class during an assembly if this kind of behavior is now “the culture”?
In addition, “some seem to think there isn’t necessarily an underlying issue with sexism exemplified by these occurrences.” What ?!? The school administration needs a wake-up call to understand what is going on. See book by Nancy Jo Sales, “American Girls: Social Media and the Secret Lives of Teenagers,” which examines how a hypersexualized internet culture normalizes this kind of harassment.
Jonathan Carr • Mar 31, 2016 at 8:36 am
This article takes me back, in a bad way, to my own HHS days 25 years ago. The same kind of harassment was going on, the same loud minority ruining it for everyone. The assembly interruptions were, frankly, the least of it. Sure, we had performances ruined. We dreaded blackouts because we knew that’s when the hollering would happen, and grew to hate performing for our own school. An early performance of our eventual State Championship Festival entry was the low point: we stopped the show in the middle when we realized that an audience member had set off a stink bomb in the auditorium. A couple of idiots can quickly ruin an experience for hundreds.
The article’s details feel terribly familiar, but the real harassment went on in the hallways and school grounds outside of class. I escaped the harsher treatment of many of my peers, the “drama fags” who endured nearly constant bullying. HHS was a cruel place to be, and it sounds like it may be that way again.
Today’s drama kids need to know two things:
1. It doesn’t have to stay like this. In the early 1990s we fought back against the harassment culture by teaming up with leadership from the football team and the field hockey team. We built bridges of support across communities that, over a number years (and under the leadership and patient pressure of John Higgins and his colleagues Fred Jewett) changed the tenor of the place. Maybe the most powerful thing was having the jerks policed by their own leaders, not yelled at by the powerless “freaks” that were their targets. So change can happen, but it takes work, institutional buy-in, and a desire to change. Keep up the pressure and demand change. Everyone deserves to go to school in a better place, and you can start the process now.
2. More importantly, keep doing your great work. You might have discovered some people you can’t bring around. But brush it off. You’ve already found your people and, what’s more, you know it. They’re onstage and backstage with you. At Festival they’re all over those other schools. There are more and more of them, and they’re just as amazing as you think they are. Most of you will probably go on to other careers, but you’ll always have the rich humanity you learned in drama. And just so you know, some of us stayed in theater and are making our professional lives in it. We’ll be waiting for you.
it doesn't matter • Mar 30, 2016 at 11:39 pm
HHS has always, and will always have an incredibly weird, archaic, despicable hierarchy. Certain teachers live out their high school fantasy of being the cool-kid and favor the athletes, the rich, and the legacy kids.
Its foolish to blame this on society and patriarchy.
GK • Mar 30, 2016 at 9:29 pm
The HHS sports program is most definitely given priority to the arts program. The hockey recently made to (I think) States, and in celebration, the varsity team threw a party. At that party, there was alcohol and drugs… HHS failed to suspend, expel or even forfeit the game. Instead, the administration allowed half the team to play one game, and the other half to play in the second. That, unfortunately, accurately shows the discriminatory behavior and attitude towards art programs, especially in public high schools like HHS.
H • Mar 30, 2016 at 9:12 pm
It’s hard to fix a problem when the administration is half of it….
Dave Edson • Mar 30, 2016 at 1:09 pm
As a proud 1991 graduate of the HHS drama club, I can say that this type of deplorable behavior has been going on at HHS for at least 30 years. This was a huge problem in the 80’s and 90’s and this is an absolute shame that it is still happening. Luckily, this type of behavior does not happen in the real world. If it did, the offender would be kicked out of the theatre. It’s harassment. And it’s not OK for students to exhibit this nor is it OK for the school to take this lightly.
The current and future drama clubs should know how much HHS alum support them. I went on to major in theatre and have had the pleasure of performing and touring in New York City, regionally and internationally. Whether future graduates do similar things or not, the skills that are practiced in theatre can be used in a host of professional situations. On the other hand, hatred, homophobia, misogyny, and bigotry of any kind have no place in society.
LM • Mar 30, 2016 at 12:11 pm
I graduated from HHS in 1988, and it’s incredibly sad to see that the same hostile, homophobic environment I encountered while in the Drama Club is still the case, almost 30 years later.
If any Drama Club members are reading this: please know that we’re behind you 100%. I’ve been blessed to work in professional theatre for 23 years now, and that wouldn’t have happened without all the things I learned in Drama Club: cooperation, teamwork, and most importantly – EMPATHY. That’s something that your classmates could get a few lessons in.
Irate Dad • Mar 28, 2016 at 3:13 pm
Why has there been no apparent attempt to identify and discipline the guilty? These kids should be called before the entire school and humiliated.
THAT will get their friends thinking about repercussions of misconduct.
adviser • Mar 29, 2016 at 9:47 am
While I completely understand your feelings as an irate parent,you cannot identify kids based on hearsay. Since the lights were so dark, kids who want to come forward and suspect certain kids probably said it cannot be positive in their claim since they did not actually see them say these words. Also, public humiliation and shaming is not a method of school directed discipline.
it doesn't matter • Mar 30, 2016 at 11:43 pm
~An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.~
JH • Mar 19, 2016 at 6:31 am
I applaud this extremely well written article. One that is true. Brave. Honest. I applaud the students that wrote this. As a parent of former HHS graduates, I was ANGERED by these incidents especially the drama incidents. I was also disappointed in the lack of immediate response to what happened. Derogatory,harmful, ABUSIVE, sexual harassment and bullying by a “few”. This mentality has been present for a while in the school. I agree it also correlates yptbe ” bro” attitude and sports are more important in the school. …and. Male sports ov er female are valued more. Arts have not received the same respect. It is time for serious change and a wake up call in HHS. Thank you to the students and staff who brought this out in the PUBLIC EYE.
Jim Sullivan • Mar 16, 2016 at 1:29 pm
This is unfortunate. What these perpetrators fail to see is that this group did an amazing job representing their school and community with this outstanding performance at the festival. Sometimes these incidents help shine a light so that these problems can get fixed.
Marisa Beatey • Mar 15, 2016 at 9:10 am
I want to see this performance it sounds beautiful! So sorry to hear this but glad it is being address and light shed on it. We fight evil by bringing it into the light. I think a General Humanity course needs to mandatory for all students everywhere and you have to pass to go on to the next grade…. Stop breeding hatred!
B4knah • Mar 15, 2016 at 8:47 am
What was the play, could it be a possibility that the type of play could be the specific cause of this?
vhhs • Mar 16, 2016 at 9:39 am
It was scenes from a show called “The Shuddersome Tales of Poe” which is an adaptation of Edgar Allen Poe’s most well-known works. Regardless of the show, the students were disrespectful and rude which was wrong. “The type of play” doesn’t justify their actions.
RFC • Mar 28, 2016 at 2:02 pm
“Could it be a possibility that the type of play could be the specific cause of this?” No, it couldn’t be! You must be joking! It was the type of people that is the specific cause of this. Hateful, ignorant and stupid people raised by ignorant parents who have taught them nothing. How can a performance of a play be the cause of a person’s behavior. Sorry if this sounds angry, I was raised to believe that a person is responsible for his/her own actions, myself included. How about if you blame the perpetrators of this incident and if you don’t try to shift the blame away from them and onto something that has nothing to do with how these idiots behaved. I wonder if one of the perpetrators is your child/brother/relative. Maybe he/she just had a bad day and the play prompted him/her to say these things. It’s OK, just give the kid some warm milk and a hug and hopefully it will be better tomorrow…
JAL • Mar 29, 2016 at 9:31 pm
“Could the type of play be tbe cause of this ?” That comment is just sad and illustrates another aspect of the problem. Divert the negative attention from the thoughtless students in the audience, and let’s blame the teachers and actors for their choice of plays. Really ? You can not be serious !
Dave Edson • Mar 30, 2016 at 1:40 pm
This is called victim blaming and it is wrong. One cannot harass or shame anyone ever for expressing themselves.