Springtime in Hingham
A Bridge to the Harbor
The harbor sunset is lovely.
April 2, 2016
With the temperature rising, the flowers growing, and the clouds clearing, spring in Hingham is now just around the corner. Now that people are finally crawling out of their winter dens, they are anxious to go out and enjoy the spring air. One of the places they will be flocking to is Hingham Harbor.
Located downtown, the Harbor is a focal point of the town and it brings the community together. After a long but surprisingly mild winter, the townsfolk are ready to enjoy spring.
Sophomore Ethan Quinn says, “I love being back at the harbor. Whenever I’m down there on a run with my team or playing frisbee in the field I just love being so close to the water”. Along with Ethan, many others will be enjoying the varied activities to do around the Harbor this Spring.
One of those seasonal events is Hingham’s Farmer’s Market located in the parking lot of the bathing beach. The Farmer’s Market begins its season on May 7th and each Saturday one can expect some varied local items to be in stock. Here people can browse the different goods that the vendors have to offer and take in the local music that plays throughout the day.
People of all ages can find something fun about this community driven event, as freshman David Mills says, “I’ve only been a few times but I really did enjoy looking at all the goods to choose from.”
While many people love going to the harbor, some complain about its ease of accessibility. This spring the town plans to change that. The talk of having a foot bridge connecting Whitney Wharf and Iron Horse park has been going on a while, and now the contruction firm York Bridge Concepts of Lutz, Florida is contracted to build it. The money for this project was confirmed in 2014 and work began in the fall of 2015.
With the project underway, the hopes of a bustling Harbor is now in sight. This idea of a connected Harbor has excited some students like Freshman Nick Salem who said,”Yeah I think it’s a great idea to connect the harbor.”
Others, however, could care less. Freshman Yasin Traiba who said,”I mean it looks cool, but I probably won’t be using it too much.”
Whether you look forward to the bridge being built or the Farmer’s Market starting back up, there’s always something to do down at the Harbor this spring.
Will Sutton • May 11, 2016 at 9:22 am
Sure as heck didn’t feel like spring last week, am I right? Anyway, very positive and light article. Solid feature piece, my dude. That descriptive lead is truly amazingly done. 9/10 because you didn’t take your own photos smh