A Well Deserved Break
Junior Kate Farrell will be spending her spring break in Guatemala on a service trip. She went on this trip last year and is very excited to be going again.
April 24, 2016
The arrival of April break is a much needed and well deserved week for all HHS students and staff. We have been in school for nine weeks since our last break in February, and now have three terms under our belts. Spring break is the time of year when students and families plan annual trips to warmer areas, foreign cities, or just days roaming around town embracing the lack of school.
Ironically, many sports teams’ coaches use this break from school as an opportunity to increase practices and put in extra work for the upcoming season. Most of the Hingham High school sports teams will be having practices and games throughout the week. Senior crew captain Sydney Blasetti shared her plans for this upcoming week, “April break is the most crucial week for the crew team because we have two practices a day, the work we put in this week will determine the rest of our season.” April break is utilized by many sports teams as a time to make the most improvement, as it is still early in the spring and there is a lot of work to be done before the more intense portion of the season begins. Although putting in work is necessary for a successful season, daily practices somewhat take away from the relaxation that is supposed to go along with school break.
April break is also a common time for both juniors and seniors to tour and visit colleges. Claire Stone, a junior and fellow member of the Harborlight shared her plans for this vacation saying, “I’m really excited to make use of this break to look at colleges. Even though I’m staying in the east coast it’s nice to get away for a week.” For many juniors, including myself, this is the last break we’ll have before college application time, so now is the time to look at schools or travel to areas where we possibly see ourselves going to school.
As a member of the crew team, April break isn’t as much of a break as it is a shift in focus from school to rowing. However, time away from sitting at a desk for six hours is always welcomed. As a junior, I can honestly say I have never been more excited for a school vacation. The home stretch to the end of the year will be extremely stressful and challenging for everyone as sports will become more intense, final exams will soon be upon us, and deadlines for a variety of programs hang over our heads.
Hopefully, this break will reboot our motivation that we need to work hard and get through to the end of the year!