Fighting off Finals Stress

Taken and permitted by Karen Ji

Sophomore Karen Ji studies (and stresses) for the Chemistry Final.

Ethan Ayer, Contributing Writer

This is a cry for help. With the end of the school year approaching, tensions are high and oblivion is near, as students scramble to aggressively shove knowledge into their craniums before finals… next week.

For the past month, I have been repeating the same mantra, over and over again in my head that, “we are almost done. We can do this.” Now, I love school, but the anticipation of summer is sometimes overwhelming. Ever since May, I often find myself cross-­eyed and half­-asleep by the middle of the day, thinking of those summer nights. To relieve some of the excitement, I usually take an excruciatingly cold shower, which shocks me back awake and helps me study for chemistry! I love multitasking.

Currently, I am listening to Ellie Goulding on the Tuesday before finals begin (6/14/16), writing this article and feeling stressed. Sophomore year has been a roller coaster of below average test scores and embarrassing elections, so I want to end the year right. For students like me, whose grade on the final literally means the difference between getting a B or a C for the class, the prospect of studying for said exams can be excruciating. Luckily, I have learned a few quirky tips and tricks throughout my sixteen years on this floating rock that can hopefully help others finish finals with a smile on their flesh 🙂

Sophomore Abby Finnerty put it best, recommending “studying harder for subjects that you have struggled more with throughout the year so you can boost your grade for the year in that class. Also, don’t over-study! If you get stressed, take a break and jam out to some music or exercise!”

Those who are leaving early and have already taken most of their finals, like sophomore Katherine Even, feel that “Finals are a stressful part of the year, but darn do I feel good when they are over!” Some, such as Class of 2018 treasurer and singer­/songwriter Sophie Cohen “want to fail my finals to punish my teachers and they will have to teach during the summer.” Genius! Even sophomore Greta Eustace agrees, knowingly cooing that “teachers expect 100% in all five classes and it’s not possible and very stressful for students of all learning levels the last couple of weeks of school leading up to the finals.”

Sophie Droster, another sophomore simply stated, “Finals are something that we should all make sure we study hard for. In 7th grade I didn’t study at all because I was too overwhelmed and I got very very bad grades on them… Make sure you always study to relieve stress!” The hardest worker I know (besides my mom), Halle Sullivan echoed Droster’s thoughts, explaining that her “attitudes towards finals have definitely changed from last year. Instead of over stressing I try to plan my studying down to the hour so I can stay on task and start early. But, I know this weekend I will still be a stressed mess no matter how much preparation I’ve done.”

There is really no way avoid the stress brought on by finals.  During these tumultuous times, I encourage everyone to spread positivity. We are all on the same rickety boat, so don’t be a stranger to spewing motivating words to fellow classmates! I wish everyone luck on his or her exams and just keep in mind, there are greater things to life than finals, like love and happiness! ­