Spirit Week
The marriage of seniors Emma Rowe and Mary-Kate Brennan took place in the gym the morning of fancy day at Hingham High.
November 27, 2016
With the week of Thanksgiving break came the second Spirit Week of this school year. The first day had the school swarming in red, white, and blue for USA day. Despite the political turmoil Americans are currently dealing with, the student body still pulled together and dressed to represent their country. In the early morning of the second day of Spirit Week, a wedding took place in the gymnasium for everyone who came early enough to witness. Seniors Emma Rowe and Mary Kate Brennan dressed in their fanciest clothes for the procession. On the third and final day of Spirit Week no matter what grade, everyone decked out in red and white to show support for our school as a community. Overall the half-week was extremely fun and peppy for everyone that got involved and really participated.