Hingham High Debate Team Attends Rounds 5 and 6
Dylan Lindsay and Matt Rice, senior Varsity debaters, organize their evidence during their first debate.
January 15, 2017
On Wednesday, January 11, the Hingham High Debate Team attended rounds 5 and 6 of the Southeastern Massachusetts Debate League. Both Varsity and Novice debaters engaged in structured policy debates at Silver Lake Regional High School, with Affirmative debaters arguing for “…increased economic and/or diplomatic engagement with China”, and negatives tasked with identifying and displaying flaws in Affirmative plans.
Hingham High teacher Shawn Nugent led the team to a league victory two years ago, and last year a Hingham team made it to the finals under his guidance. This year, his Varsity Affirmative A Team, Hannah Kelman and Olivia Million, have a near flawless record with only one loss. Varsity Negative A Team, composed of Kyle Sutton and Scott Myers, has gone undefeated. Most Hingham Varsity teams have near-perfect or perfect records this year, and, with only three regular rounds left in the season, Hingham is warily eyeing the finals.