All-Town Band Concert Encourages Student Involvement

Grades 5-8 begin to settle in their seats as the concert begins.
March 12, 2017
Last Wednesday, March 8th, the annual All-Town Band Concert was held in the Hingham High School gymnasium and was directed by Ms. Bellis, Mr. Cincotta, and Mr. Lewis. The concert would not be possible without their dedication and hard work.
From grades five through twelve, various pieces are conducted and played to show the drastic growth of students over the years. To me and others in the band program, the All-Town Band Concert is the most important show of the whole year, not because most of the town attends, but because it helps inspires the younger musicians to stick with band.
Freshman flute player Sophie Spielburger claims, “All-Town is important because the younger kids get a taste of what high school band can be like one day.” Because students in the seventh grade are allowed to chose to continue band or not, the concert is a way to persuade students to continue band into high school.
Just like other seventh graders, I myself was torn whether to continue band or not. Most of my friends at the time were quitting because it was no longer required, but I stuck with it. I vividly remember hearing the high school band play at the All-Town Concert and thinking that I wanted to do that one day. I am glad that I never quit because I met some of my closest friends in band class that I would never have made if I had quit band.
Freshman oboe player Gwen Moyer, agrees, exclaiming, “The All-Town Concert is incredibly effective when it comes to inspiring future members of the band community. (Even the smallest instruments can make the biggest difference – band nerd Gandalf).”
The musical program also encourages the youth of the musical program to continue with their instrument byb merging the many different bands at the end of the concert and playing a piece as a whole. Although it may be challenging to the younger grades and easy for the older grades, the experience shows the challenges involved in growing as a musician. Younger students can expect that much dedication and hard work will be required in the years to come.
Overall, the All-Town Band Concert was a huge success.The high school bands will have their last concert of the year in the spring.