Waitress, The Musical: A Review
The pie-patterned curtain of Waittress at the Boston Opera House.
February 26, 2018
There is a popular musical that is quickly becoming everyone’s favorite. This musical, titled Waitress, is about a waitress named Jenna who lives in the South. Jenna is in an unhealthy relationship with her husband and longs to find her her happily ever after.
After one unpredictable night, Jenna soon becomes pregnant by her husband. In light of this news, Jenna finds comfort in making her famous pies. Over the course of the musical, Jenna discovers a pie making contest that could be her escape as well as someone who could turn her life all around.
The music from this musical was written by Sara Bareilles. Favored songs from this album include “Opening Up,” “I Love You Like A Table,” and “She Used To Be Mine.” Waitress is being performed in both New York and in Boston.
In Boston, the cast consists of Desi Oakley as Jenna, Bryan Fenkart as Dr. Pommater, Charity Angel Dawson as Becky, Larry Marshall as Old Joe, Jeremy Morse as Ogie, Lenne Klingaman as Dawn, Nick Bailey as Earl, and Ryan G. Dunkin as Cal. The Boston crew includes Director Diane Paulus, choreographer Lorin Latarro, set designer Scott Pask, costume designer Suttirat Anne Larlarb, lighting designer Ken Billington, sound designer Jonathan Deans, wig and make up designer Richard Mawbey, music coordinator John Miller.
In New York, the cast is Jenna, played by Sara Bareilles; Dr. Pomatter, played by Drew Gehling; Becky, played by NaTasha Yvette Williams; Dawn, played by Caitlin Houlahan; Earl, played by Joe Tippett; Ogie, played by Christopher Fitzgerald; Cal played by Benny Elledge; and Joe, played by John Cullum. The New York crew is comprised of Director Diane Paulus, choreographer Lorin Latarro, set designer Scott Pask, costume designer Suttirat Larlarb, lighting designer Christopher Akerlind,sound designer Jonathan Deans and orchestrations by Sara Bareilles and The Waitress Band.
Sydney Collins, a freshman at Hingham High saw the New York show. “I thought the show was fantastic. I went into it already a fan and it exceeded my expectations. I was honestly at the edge of my seat for most of it. I thought every song was very well-written and that they fit into the plot perfectly,” she stated.
“Sara Bareilles did such a good job of conveying the struggle and joy in Jenna’s life through her songs. Jason Mraz was so awkward and adorable throughout the whole thing but really utilized the music to show more in-depth emotion. I personally though Christopher Fitzgerald as Ogie was a highlight of the show because his songs were hilarious. He knew just when to take pauses or emphasize bits to get the most humor out of them. I think that the casting was well done,” continued Sarah. “Because Sara Bareilles wrote the music you could really see the deep connection she had to the story. Christopher Fitzgerald was able to effortlessly launch himself into ridiculous antics because of how overdramatic his character was but in such an endearing way. Also, since Jason Mraz played Dr Pomatter on Sara Bareilles’ album, the chemistry they had on stage was very strong which provided great emotion in each scene. He was able to play both the humorous scenes and his bittersweet relationship with Jenna so well.”
Carter Anderson, another freshman at Hingham High School, saw the hit show Waitress in New York as well. He later on shared, “I though the show was amazing and the actors got the characters very well. Everyone was perfect, especially Sara Bareilles and Drew Gehling. I would recommend this to bakers and anyone above 11 years old. It’s a phenomenal show that anyone would enjoy. It’s very passionate.”
Overall, this musical is highly recommended by and to anyone who loves music, Sara Bareilles, and baking. This show will leaving you humming and dancing all the way home. And if you don’t believe me, then go see the show and decide your for yourself!