HHS Science Department Donates Goggles to BCH
Photo courtesy of Katie Roberts
An HHS student models the goggles that Boston doctors now wear to help the sick.
April 18, 2020
HPS science staff and administrators, with the support of Hingham Education Foundation, coordinated the donation of desperately needed protective goggles to area hospitals, including Children’s Hospital of Boston. These goggles will provide essential protection to the health care workers who are on the front line of the COVID-19 crisis. Attached are photos of HHS students utilizing their lab goggles, along with a photo of Hingham parent and Children’s Hospital nurse, Meena LaRonde, coordinating the donation.
Dr. Anne Marie Valente, a chief surgeon at Children’s Hospital shared, “As a health care provider who is caring for patients on-site today at Children’s Hospital, words cannot express how grateful I am to the HPS and Hingham Education Foundation for the donation of supplies. It is truly heartwarming to know we are all in this together.”
HPS science staff and robotics students are also employing engineering skills and tools such as 3D printers to support area medical personnel. Grade 6 STEM teacher Tim Ciolkosz is using 3D printers to make medical masks as well as adapters for N95 masks (photos attached). HHS robotics team members have also been researching various designs for the fabrication of ventilator parts to address the shortage of that equipment.
Many thanks to HEF for their pledge to replenish the goggles and 3D printer filament so no taxpayer dollars will be used to support the donations. Also, a HUGE thank you to our local health care heroes for all that you are doing for the community!
Tim Ciolkosz is using 3D printers to make medical masks as well as adapters for N95 masks.