SnowBall Dance: 2016
Friends pose for a picture in the photo booth.
February 8, 2016
The SnowBall Dance was on Saturday, February 6th, from 7:30 to 9:30. The SnowBall Dance had previously been an annual Hingham High School tradition and this year, with a lot of hard work, the junior class was able to bring it back.
Junior Marykate Brennan brought up the idea of a winter dance in November this year, and proposed the idea to the class president Max Giarrusso. Marykate was asked to get a petition going with a goal of 500 signatures and she reached it in under a week.
The dance itself took weeks of planning and hard work from junior class officers/ They had to organize a DJ, hire a photographer, and set up all the decorations. The dance was a great success with over 150 students in attendance, and everyone seemed to have a great time. However, despite the success in amount of students, the majority of them were juniors. Senior Mary Koenen attended the dance and said, “The SnowBall Dance would have been a great success if all the grades decided to participate. The lights were great, but the music was hard to dance to. I kind of feel like it was a Junior dance, so hopefully in the years to come more people from all grades will participate.”
There was a wide variety of music, which triggered various feelings from attendees. I asked Junior Lily Fernald how she felt about the dance and she said, “The music was all over the place, one second it was Come On Eileen and the next it was Justin Bieber. I had fun bonding with others and I think we should have a SnowBall every year!” I, personally, loved the music and thought the DJ did an awesome job providing all different eras and genres.
Overall the SnowBall dance was a great success, but could have been better had the whole school participated. I believe the high school should bring back the annual event of the SnowBall because it provides something to look forward to during the long winter. The gap between Homecoming and prom is too long, and I think it’s important to have school dances in between. Who doesn’t like to dance? The SnowBall for next year is not a definite, but hopefully more students will rally together and make it happen!