Homecoming 2022: Fashion Trends

Senior Ava Knight, Lizzie Beyer and Mathilde Megard join sophomores Tanner Whitehouse and Matty Cummings for a group picture.

Kate DiBartolomeo, Contributing Writer

Homecoming is an exciting time for Hingham High School students to attend sports games, show school spirit, and socialize with friends. One of the most anticipated social events of the weekend is the homecoming dance, a semi-formal gathering where all four grades come together for a night of dancing. Seeing what other students wear to the dance is possibly as exciting as the event itself. With the passing of Hingham’s annual homecoming dance, we’re reviewing some of the top trends from the weekend. 

Sleeveless dresses might’ve been the most prominent trend across all four grades. School dances are notorious for being quite the workout; sleeveless dresses keep attendees cool and prevent unwanted sweat stains. Another major trend was something that came back time and time again: the “Hawaiian shirt + khaki” combo. Since the dance theme has been “tropical beach party” for the past few years, Hawaiian shirts are a staple piece. 

Surprisingly a blue, green, and white color palette appeared the most prominent across the freshmen class, a welcome deviation from the Hingham color scheme (red, white, and black) of previous years. When it came to shoes, the freshman went all out with high heels, most commonly a block heel (providing stability while dancing). With jewelry, less was more. Many freshmen chose to sport just earrings; if they wore a necklace, it was light and dainty. Final Takeaway: It’s exciting to see the new high-school class going all out for the dance this year and showing off their style.

The sophomore class leaned into bold colors like royal blue, hot pink, and wine red. sophomore Taylor Delaney reports that many girls opted for dresses from brands “like Lucy in the Sky and Princess Polly.” Rather than heels, sneakers appeared much more prominently in the looks of the sophomore class, high-top white vans being the most frequently seen. “After getting my feet stomped on last year, I knew better than to wear open-toed shoes,” Taylor declared. For jewelry, it was unlikely to see any sophomore girl without a pair of gold hoops to complete their outfit. Sophomore Tanner Whitehouse did not miss the opportunity to elevate the “Hawaiian shirt + khaki” uniform with a monochrome touch and uniquely patterned shirt, completed with a pop of red on his bowtie. Final Takeaway: The sophomore class was not scared to be bold this year, using color and memorable accessories.

For the junior class, blacks and deep shades of blue were the most prominent colors of the night. They, too, joined in on the sneaker trend, with Converse winning the popularity contest. Thin layered necklaces and dangly earrings became the most eminent jewelry choices amongst the junior attendees. Refreshingly, junior Mark Pryor rejected the “Hawaiian shirt + khaki” uniform and opted for a pink cardigan over a button-down shirt, black suit pants, and Birkenstocks. Final Takeaway: The junior class went for a mature look this year with dark colors, classic jewelry, and sleek fabric choices.

Finally, the senior class was a bit more casual in their homecoming attire. Volleyball captain Mathilde Megard, represented a trend among seniors; instead of buying new dresses, she ”swapped with friends or re-wore old ones.” When asked why she didn’t opt for a new dress, Mathilde responded that borrowed dresses are “infinitely less pricey and wasteful than buying a dress that I will wear once.” Similarly to the sophomores and juniors, sneakers won over heels for the seasoned senior class. “Like Taylor said,” senior Alex Kennedy agreed, “There was no way I was going to homecoming with heels.” Evidently, dance circles are not a safe space for opened-toed shoes. For jewelry, most seniors just wore their everyday accessories, frequently consisting of pearls, diamonds, and gold. Final Takeaway: After attending many school dances, HHS seniors were experts at looking top-notch on a budget and keeping it practical for a memorable last homecoming.