Pack the Rack 2016


Filling up the rusty yet trusty rack, many bikes wait during the day for their owners to return.

Brendan Chase, Contributing Writer

Monday, October 3rd kicked off the grand return of the Green Team’s famous Pack the Rack. While many students bike most of the year, the HHS Green Team offers extra incentive to bike by hosting its very own competition. Students are encouraged to ride their bike every single day, getting marked down every day they ride rather than drive. Once “entered” in the competition, the most frequent bikers are entered in a raffle for prizes like a Chipotle gift card or a full bike tune-up.

As for this year’s competition, it seems larger than ever. The actual rack cannot hope to hold all the bikes brought, so most bikes overflow onto the fence or wall of the school. In addition to other racks,  another noteworthy object missing would be locks. Only about one fifth of the bikes surveyed had locks, leaving the other eighty percent susceptible to theft.

Unshaken by the risk of theft or lack of space, the bikers must also battle mother nature. Chilling winds and soaking rains batter the bikers on their quest, leaving many to take a day off. For those dedicated bikers, they still ride to school no matter the conditions, last year even riding as the snow fell.

When asking for interviews, most bikers declined to comment or be photographed. Only one senior by the name of Quinn Smith opted for an interview, in which he declared himself the champion already. Despite being camera shy, the bikers still remain friendly to each other and the school as a whole. After all, they always get the close lot.