New Beginnings in 2017

New Beginnings in 2017

Claire Stone, Contributing Writer

It’s a strange thing, knowing where you’re headed but not being there yet. Knowing where I’m going to college next year, The George Washington University in D.C., is a massive stress relief while it simultaneously looms over me as a rapidly approaching change in my life, a stressful change. Some people are ready for such a big change, while others may not be, a fellow classmate, Anna Doggett told me that she is “confused about what to think about college”, as it “is so far away, yet is just in reach.” For the first time in our lives, the seniors at Hingham High School can feel the next step, but we aren’t there just yet.

Another senior, Olivia Million, says that she “is excited about what could be ahead” because “a gap year is a possibility”, and really the possibilities are endless, gap years, college, the work force, anything and everything is visible on the horizon. Whatever you do will be a new path to take, leading everyone to do great things.

If you know your plans or even if you don’t, all of the seniors are thinking the same thing; what am I going to do? The change coming will be like nothing we have faced before, and that can be scary, but it is a change that we all need and will benefit from. I think that leaving the bubble of Hingham will add to everyone’s life for the better. Adding new people and new places to our lives will be like nothing we can learn in high school.

New beginnings can be riveting for some, and I hope for everyone in the class of 2017 they are exciting and needed, but for right now all we can do is patiently wait until June 4th, our graduation, and hope for the best.